7 Important Tools that Every Woman Needs in 2025
inOur standard of living as a society is undoubtedly better than it was decades ago, but the unfortunate fact is it’s costing us dearly. Life is increasingly difficult and complex. There’s more competition, and more challenges to overcome.
Some say that all you need is the right attitude, the right mindset, and you can successfully make your way.
Of course, those are very important. But they’re not enough.
You also need the right tool set. A tool set that will allow you to grow and maintain the right attitude and your place in life.
Here are seven important tools that every woman needs today:
1. A reliable smart phone (or two)
A smart phone is arguably your most essential tool nowadays. It keeps you connected, organised, and informed.
You’ll need it for communication, accessing important information, navigation, shopping, making payments, taking photos, emergencies, and dozens of other functions.
Become intimately familiar with how your phone works and what all its settings do.
These days there are apps available for virtually every imaginable function. Make a habit of researching and experimenting with different apps regularly, until your phone becomes a powerful, all-in-one multi-tool that streamlines all areas of your life.
Just don’t fall into the social media distraction trap. A little bit is OK, but 95 percent of the time, use your phone’s capabilities to make yourself a more resourceful, connected and efficient person.
On the security front, it’s a good idea to install some form of malware protection on your phone, and make sure that no one has covertly installed any nasty apps such as a location tracker. Also, always use some secure form of access control such as a biometric lock.
Heaven forbid that you should ever find yourself in a situation where you’re having to escape your life for your own safety. But should the unthinkable ever happen, you need to be prepared.
While your smart phone is an invaluable tool that empowers you with the ability to do many things, it can also be the first thing that’s used against you, to track your location and your activities.
So you’ll need to take some basic precautions.
Keep a secret backup phone (a burner phone) stashed somewhere, perhaps in a secret bank safety deposit box. Make sure that neither the phone nor its SIM card can be traced back to you.
Once on the run, avoid using any of your social media or email accounts. Should the person you’re fleeing get access to any of these, they can potentially give away your location.
I’m going to assume here that it’s not the authorities that you’ll be running from, since the resources they have at their disposal will be extremely difficult for the average person to thwart. Even a simple phone call to a friend from an anonymous burner phone with the number blocked can put it on their radar, and most likely compromise your whereabouts.
Sticking to just the basics should keep you fairly safe from being found by a layperson, however.
Depending on how serious you want to get about not being traced, there are numerous good books available from which you can learn all the necessary tricks.
2. Personal safety devices
Always keep in your bag a set of effective personal safety devices for unpredictable situations.
This set should consist of a powerful personal alarm, a high-intensity compact LED flashlight, and, where local laws permit, anti-personnel repellent such as pepper spray or OC spray. Note that anti-personnel sprays are illegal in all Australian states except Western Australia, where it is, however, restricted.
It’s important that you keep all these items in allocated compartments in your bag, so that you can access them quickly in an emergency. The last thing you want is to find yourself having to rummage around to find them in a panic.
3. Emergency cash and credit cards
Emergency backup credit cards are useful should your current bank or credit card accounts become blocked or unusable for any reason.
In more serious emergencies however, cash is king. It’s both dependable and untraceable. It will still work when you have no connectivity or when digital payments aren’t working.
Being isolated from access to money by an abusive person is a powerful tool of control that makes it very difficult for you to escape your situation.
Although no one ever expects to find themselves in such an unthinkable situation, it can and does happen. And the best form of defence is to have some emergency cash and cards secretly stashed away for such an eventuality.
This will give you a valuable, ever-present avenue for escape.
4. A network of extraordinary professionals
A simple reality of life is that we all rely heavily on others for many of our important daily needs.
And in large part, the quality of our life can be greatly influenced by the competence and dependability of those people.
I’ve always believed in seeking out the very best and most helpful professionals that I can find for any services I need, and in sticking with them once I’ve found them.
Building a working relationship is important. And it can take time.
Sometimes these people will cost a little more, but not always.
Following this mindset, I’ve managed to grow a small network of professionals that I consider to be extraordinarily good at what they do. Not just good at their job, but really, really, great.
And extremely helpful.
All of them would go out of their way to help me out whenever I need it.
These are my go-to people, and I wouldn’t ever consider using anyone else in their place.
At the present time, my personal network of extraordinary professionals consists of my general practitioner, my gastrointestinal specialist, my orthopaedic surgeon, my dentist, my accountant, my property broker, my pharmacist, and my auto technician.
My lawyer is also quite good, but not what I consider extraordinary, so that one’s still a work in progress.
Put together your own extraordinary network. If someone you’re currently using for some service is just OK or just good, keep looking for someone better until you find them.
You’ll see the benefits immediately once you’ve managed to get a good network started, in your health, wealth, and piece of mind.
Start doing it today, because it can take time. It will be an ongoing work in progress.
You can only fly as high as those around you that you depend on.
5. A journal and pen
Another set of items to keep with you at all times is a journal and pen.
On the first page write your life mission, and why it’s important to you.
Without a mission, life has no direction. It will simply take you whichever way the wind blows.
Each night write in your journal what you learned that day, what you need to do better, and what you did to get closer to your goal.
A woman with purpose is a powerful one.
6. A library
Knowledge is also power.
And the best path to knowledge is through books.
We live in a world of information overload. Much of that information, however, is either superficial, misguided, or patently false. Particularly online.
Books, on the other hand, take effort to create. Their existence is earned.
Many have stood the test of time.
One of the added benefits of books is that they keep you off your phone. Away from social media.
Books build not only knowledge, but also your focus. Social media kills focus through distraction.
Focus is strength.
If printed books aren’t your thing, ebooks are a great alternative. You can keep thousands of ebooks – an entire library, with you in your bag. I personally prefer printed books, but I also have a tablet device that I use just for reading ebooks. Nothing else.
A solid and growing library of books will help you build your knowledge greatly over time. Read as much as time allows. Read about personal development, psychology, history, philosophy, economics, traditions, mental health, modern technology.
Anything that you think will be useful in your life.
A strong, empowered woman never stops learning.
7. A group
Finally, find a group that you trust.
A sisterhood, or family. Or just a group of friends.
You should connect on a regular basis, to help each other through your respective life journeys. To support, encourage, and learn from one another.
A lone wolf dies quickly in tough times.
That’s why wolves run in packs. Together, they survive and thrive.
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