15 Ultra-Effective Strategies for Staying Safe in a Dangerous World

15 Ultra-Effective Strategies for Staying Safe in a Dangerous World

Women, more so than anyone, are acutely aware of the dangers inherent to being out in public places.

While it isn’t possible to control many circumstances you encounter or other people’s actions, there are effective steps you can take to protect yourself and be prepared for any unpleasant surprises.

Here are 15 practical and highly-effective strategies that will help you stay out of trouble in public by increasing your situational awareness to avoid potential dangers, by boosting your level of preparedness, and by deterring any would-be attacker from choosing you as his victim.

1. Always have company with you

Probably the number one strategy for staying safe in public is to avoid being alone, especially at night time and in isolated areas. A U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that over 70% of violent crimes against women occur when they’re alone.

Even having just one companion will significantly decrease the likelihood of being followed or harassed by a stranger in public, or of becoming a victim of sexual assault.

Attackers generally perceive women in pairs or groups to be much harder targets since they can defend each other or call for help, making them much less likely to be victimised.

2. Avoid isolated areas

Whether or not you’re with a companion, it’s also a good idea to avoid finding yourself in isolated areas as much as possible, especially at night. An attacker will always be far more likely to act in an environment where no one’s likely to witness his crime or hear any cries for help.

The “bystander effect” is something that would-be attackers are always wary of. They’ll generally be reluctant to strike where there’s a chance of intervention, or these days, of being videoed, if something happens.

Well lit, populated areas are your friends.

Sometimes this strategy requires some forethought, however. You may, for example, find that you’ve parked your car in a location that unbeknownst to you, happens to be isolated and in total darkness at night when you need to retrieve your car.

So think ahead and plan ahead as much as possible.

3. Be vigilant around parking lots

And speaking of parking your car, it’s important to note that parking lots can be particularly dangerous areas, especially when dark and isolated.

Always check around your car before approaching it, and be alert to people sitting in nearby vehicles.

A would-be attacker who’s been watching you can conveniently station his car nearby and either use it as a spot from which to stage an attack, and/or use it to quickly abduct you following an attack.

Always be on high alert in any parking lot, and be sure to lock your doors immediately after entering your car.

4. Observe your surroundings

If you drive a car, you’ll understand the importance of being aware of your surroundings at all times.

Is there a car travelling behind you? How close is it? Is anyone on your left or right? What are the intentions of the car in front of you, whether or not the driver is signalling? Does someone seem to be in a rush, and look like they’re going to cut you off?

And so on, and so on.

By being aware of everyone and everything around you, you allow yourself to react instantaneously to any hazardous situation if necessary, without having to reacquaint yourself. It could save your life.

In the same spirit, you should make a habit of observing your surroundings when you’re out in public. It’s not about being paranoid – you’re not when you’re driving.

It’s simply about being aware, and being prepared.

Being aware creates confidence and peace of mind. That’s far preferable to living in blissful ignorance of what’s going on around you.

When you’re in a restaurant, a store, or any public place, always make a mental note of the closest exits in case you need to leave quickly. The same goes for if you’re in a crowd, a parking garage, or on public transport – be aware where the various exits are.

Even outdoors, note the ways in and out to the area you’re in. If you’re in an isolated area – what’s the quickest way to get back to where people are?

Periodically take mental notes of the people nearby. Do they look suspicious (more about that in Strategy #6), or could you turn to them for help in an emergency?

Also, be aware of objects around you that could be used in the event of, heaven forbid, an attack. Glass bottles, bricks, garbage cans, chairs, pieces of wood – these can all be improvised weapons.

Even a handful of dog poo. Don’t laugh – unless you think being sexually assaulted or killed is funny.

You do what you have to do.

5. Stay off your phone in public

One of any attacker’s most effective weapons is the element of surprise. And by allowing yourself to be distracted while walking in public, you’re giving away any sense of awareness and essentially handing him this advantage on a silver platter.

Texting or scrolling on your phone while walking are of course the biggest offenders here.

As you’re probably aware, someone whose attention is totally immersed in their phone in public has virtually no sense of their surroundings and personal space whatsoever. In fact, it’s not uncommon to have to actively go out of your way to avoid walking into someone in this state of mind.

In a crowded setting, this may not be such a big deal. But it’s a gift to any would-be attacker if you’re in an isolated area.

Almost as bad is walking with headphones on, since they greatly diminish your awareness of what’s going on around you. A would-be attacker can literally be behind you breathing down your neck and you would be none the wiser.

Always walk in public with your head up, your eyes and ears open, and be fully aware of your surroundings.

6. Be vigilant for potential threats

Avoiding distractions in public is very important, but you can take your security one step further by developing the habit of actively observing your environment for any potential threats.

Look for anyone unusual, behaving suspiciously, or who appears to be watching you.

A great strategy to use for keeping an eye on people is to use reflections to your advantage. Use windows, mirrors, or shiny car surfaces to discreetly check if someone is following you. With practice, it’s like having eyes in the back of your head.

If you do happen to detect someone nearby acting suspiciously, making eye-contact with him can be a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it can alert him to the fact that you’re aware of him, potentially discouraging him from attacking or harassing you. On the other hand, it can also invite unwanted attention if his behaviour wasn’t actually directed at you in the first place.

The best course of action, therefore, is to simply remove yourself from any suspicious situation if possible.

Here’s a brief, true story of a situation in which I possibly avoided a bad outcome simply by following this advice:

I was walking though a heavily-wooded reserve one afternoon some years ago with a female friend. The reserve was in a suburban area and had a winding dirt walking trail. It therefore wasn’t uncommon to come across other people walking around, however they were very few and far between.

At one point I noticed a suspicious individual walking about fifty metres in front of us, in the same direction as us. He was dressed all in black, and was wearing a black hoodie, with the hood pulled up over his head.

It struck me that he was attired very strangely for someone walking through a wooded area, especially considering the fact that it was quite a warm afternoon. To add to my suspicion, he also had his mobile phone to his ear the whole time we saw him.

He appeared to be walking quite slowly, since we gained some ground on him in the minute or two that we saw him in front of us.

As I was weighing up in my mind whether or not it would be a good idea to allow ourselves to catch up to him, we walked past an entry point to the reserve that led via a short walkway to a small car parking area. And as we did, a black car with three young males inside came charging in a little recklessly right at that very moment.

Although I had no way of knowing for sure, it occurred to me that this group was potentially connected with the suspicious individual, and in fact possibly who he was on the phone to.

Had we continued to walk on past the entry point therefore, and had the group of males entered the reserve behind us, we would have been instantly sandwiched between them and the suspicious man in black.

The whole situation suddenly felt very wrong to me, so I quickly instructed my friend to turn back, where we immediately headed back in the direction from which we came.

I didn’t notice whether or not the males eventually entered the reserve. And to this day, I have no idea whether or not we avoided a dangerous situation that day. The important thing is that by being vigilant to something unusual and potentially threatening, and by responding when things felt wrong, my friend and I lived to tell the happily uneventful story.

I don’t believe it’s necessary to obsess over all the things that can possibly go wrong when you’re out in public.

Simply by staying alert, you’ll naturally notice when something feels off. Listen to your instincts when it does and take action. Get yourself out of the situation – cross the street, enter a store, or leave the area.

7. Don’t look like a victim

Attackers aren’t generally in the business of looking for a challenge. They’ll almost always seek out the easiest possible target – someone alone, distracted, unaware, vulnerable, and timid- or weak-looking.

I’ve already talked about some of these points earlier. You naturally want to avoid being someone who’s going to be too shocked, dazed and confused to put up much of a fight.

And even more importantly, you don’t want to be someone who just looks like a victim.

By far the easiest way to look like a victim is to be drunk. Never, ever, ever be drunk and alone in public.


You may as well sharpie “VICTIM” in big bold letters on your forehead.

Enough said.

When you’re in public, avoid appearing weak and timid by looking down and appearing afraid of people. Always project confidence and awareness by walking with an upright posture and making eye contact with those around you.

Keep a clear mind, unaffected by drugs, and you’ll look alert and healthy.

Even better, it doesn’t hurt to look intimidating. I guess this is one situation in which having a “resting bitch face” would certainly be an asset.

And finally, if you have a strong, buff-looking physique, that would also be a great asset. I know, that isn’t something that can happen overnight. But it is something you can start working on.

8. Beware of strangers

Don’t let strangers invade your personal space, for any reason.

Criminals sometimes use distractions like asking for directions, asking for change or a light, or dropping something, as a trick to get close to you. They can also use other psychological tactics to confuse you or throw you off-guard, like pretending they know you or a friend of yours.

If a stranger happens to invade your space or makes you uncomfortable in any way, create distance immediately and be ready to act.

There’s nothing wrong with someone asking you something in public, but they should only do so in a respectful, considerate manner. And in a manner where you don’t feel threatened.

Again, trust your gut here. If someone weirds you out, just walk away. It may feel like you’re being rude but that’s OK, sometimes criminals are depending on that very thing to work their way in.

You have nothing to be ashamed of if you choose to snub someone.

If the manner in which they’ve approached you has made you feel like that’s the safer thing to do, then that’s a failure on their part, not yours.

9. Try not to be predictable

It’s a troubling fact that criminals will sometimes watch and stalk their victims before attacking. Doing so familiarises them with their habits and schedules, allowing them to figure out the best time and place to strike.

To prevent them being able to do this, you should do your best to avoid forming predictable habits.

Don’t always take the same route home, to work, or to regular social locations if possible. Also, avoid parking in the same, favoured spots wherever you go, unless of course you do so for security reasons.

If possible, try changing your travel schedule every now and then as well.

While these precautions demand quite a lot of inconvenience and effort to implement, especially considering the low likelihood of being necessary for most people, there are two simple safeguards that are actually very simple.

The first is to simply avoid posting real-time locations on social media. And the second is to be mindful of people eavesdropping on your personal conversations.

Guard your own privacy, it’s important.

10. Be vigilant when returning home at night

One situation that can be particularly risky to your safety is when you return home alone at night from an evening out. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, if you’re someone who regularly goes out on certain evenings, your patterns will be easy to detect. That gives any would-be attacker the opportunity to study you and plan his attack in detail.

Secondly, it will be dark and almost certainly, completely isolated when it’s late.

And thirdly, depending on your parking situation, a would-be attacker will almost always have a brief window of opportunity where you’ll be publicly accessible and vulnerable to attack. He could time his attack as you unlock and exit your car, as you’re walking from your car to your home, or as you’re entering your home, whereupon he could force his way inside.

Regardless of your parking arrangement, there are three simple strategies that you can always easily implement to slash your chances of being targeted.

Firstly, watch out for any cars that may be following you once you’re several blocks from your home. If you have any suspicions, make a few unnecessary left and right turns to double-check what the car in question does. If it’s obviously following you, try to note its licence plate while you make your way to the nearest police station.

Secondly, make yourself familiar with the cars that are regularly parked around your area, especially at the time that you normally get home. Take photos and record licence plates if it helps. Then, when you get home at night, look out for any unfamiliar cars.

Note whether there’s anyone sitting inside, or look for any signs that make the car stand out if the weather is cold. For example, is the amount of dew on the car the same as that on the others in the area? Are the windows fogged? Is the bonnet (hood) dry, indicating the car is still warm? These signs can sometimes tip you off as to whether it has only recently been parked there, or to whether there’s someone inside.

If an unfamiliar car is parked near your home when you arrive, consider taking a photo of the car and licence plate and texting it to a loved one before you exit your car.

Thirdly, make yourself familiar with any potential hiding spots around your property from which a potential attacker could ambush you. If possible, make a visual sweep of these spots as you arrive home with the help of your car’s headlights.

Because parking situations can vary so much for person to person, there are no fixed strategies that will be suitable for everyone. Here then are a few random tips from which you can choose some that may be helpful for you:

  • If you have a secure lock-up garage with internal access to your home, use a remote-control door opener and only exit your locked car once the garage door has been closed.
  • Fit a motion-activated light or a light that can be activated via phone app at the front of your property.
  • Fit some phone app-activated lights inside your home, and activate them when you arrive home at night to make it appear as though someone is inside.
  • Install a security doorbell camera with night vision at your front door.
  • If possible, have someone meet you at the door as you arrive home.
  • If you have a large dog, install a remote control door that will allow him to come outside and greet you as you arrive home.
  • Keep a high-intensity flashlight in your car that you can use to illuminate the area as you walk from your car to your home. Security flashlights are made of high-strength aluminium and can double as a heavy baton in an emergency.
  • Fit a remote-control activated panic alarm to your car that you can activate in the case of an attack, and keep the controller in your hand as you exit your car.
  • Have your personal alarm, if you have one, in your hand as you exit your car.

Your major objective with many of these strategies is simply to convince any would-be attacker that targeting you will be either too much trouble or too risky.

11. Carry a personal safety device

It’s always a good idea to keep a personal security alarm with you when you’re out that’s easily accessible, not buried somewhere in your bag. Find something that’s powerful and not easily disabled once triggered.

The last thing an attacker wants is to draw any attention to himself, so a good personal alarm can be a safe and simple deterrent in the right situation.

Another option to consider is whether or not to carry a weapon for self-protection. And of course a major consideration to weigh up is what is and isn’t allowed under the law where you live.

In some jurisdictions weapons such as pepper spray or tasers are permitted, and these can be extremely effective. In many jurisdictions however, they aren’t allowed. You’ll need to check what the case is in your area.

In Australia where we live, no weapon can legally be carried for self-defence. In fact, even carrying something like a simple screwdriver is illegal if your reason for doing so is for self-defence. With anything you do carry, therefore, under Australian law you need a justifiable reason for having it other than self-protection.

Irrespective of any applicable laws however, with regards to carrying a knife for personal protection, I have just one word of advice: don’t. The risk of your own knife being used against you in a confrontation is simply far too great, and too scary to contemplate.

12. Confirm ride-share details

A trick that can be used by criminals is to pose as a ride-share driver and target women who appear to be waiting for a ride. In some cases, they might ask if you ordered a ride. In others, they may simply stop in front of you in the hope that you’ll assume they’re your ride and get in the car.

While these strategies aren’t easy for criminals to implement because of the way ride share apps work, they rely on women being careless (and maybe even a little drunk) for their success.

Before entering any ride share car, such as Uber or Lyft, always be sure therefore to verify the driver’s name, car model, and license plate with the app.

It’s also a good idea to always sit in the back seat.

13. Let your loved ones know your plans

Having someone know your whereabouts and plans whenever you’re out is always a very sensible personal safety strategy. This is doubly true if you’re meeting someone for the first time.

In the same way that pilots file a flight plan for any trip they make, you should let friends or family know where you’re going out, who you’ll be with, and when you expect to return. If, at any point during your time out your plans happen to change, update your people. It’s not a difficult thing to do, it just takes a simple text message.

A great tool you should consider is a personal safety app such as those by Noonlight or bSafe, to alert contacts or authorities if you ever feel unsafe.

Maintaining a connection with key people can make a great difference to your safety should the unthinkable happen.

14. Always monitor your drinks in social settings

Never, ever leave your drink unattended in social settings, the risk of having it spiked these days is unfortunately very real.

If ever in the middle of a drink you need to visit the bathroom, that’s the time to break the age-old tradition of asking your friend to accompany you, and ask her to watch your drink instead.

Also, be very cautious when accepting drinks from strangers or people you’ve just recently met. If you can’t account for the drink’s history from the time it leaves the bar to when it wets your lips, it’s probably a good idea not to trust it.

15. Keep a secret code word

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe or need help discreetly, having a secret code word that you can text or say to a friend or family member, so that they know to take action, can be an invaluable personal safety tool.

This strategy will allow you to raise the alarm, so to speak, when a threat is present that you don’t wish to alert for fear of the repercussions.

Just one final point about these 15 strategies. You’ll notice that in describing these I’ve constantly used the the male pronouns “he”, “him” and “his” in referring to an attacker or criminal.

That’s because as a woman, by far your biggest concern is being attacked by a male. Statistics support this, as does the fact that males on average are going to be bigger and more powerful than you are.

That being said, always remember that it’s not unheard of for a female to attack another female. There are some crazy and desperate people out there. Don’t give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes the most unlikely of attackers can be the most dangerous – that seemingly nice, harmless guy with the carefully-parted hair, that sweet-looking young couple holding hands, or that innocent-looking blonde girl chewing bubble gum.

Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by appearances. Stay safe.

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