Welcome to Stronger. Braver. FIGHTER.
inWell, here it is finally . . . the launch of my Stronger. Braver. FIGHTER. website!
The whole idea of the Stronger. Braver. FIGHTER. brand is one that has been rolling around in my head for quite some time, and I’m just so excited that it’s finally seeing the light of day as something tangible.
I won’t go into what the brand is all about here, after all, that’s covered pretty well in the “About” section of the website. But suffice to say that it’s aimed at a special breed of women. Women who are being or have been tested by life. Women reaching for their inner strength and becoming fighters.
It’s so incredibly fitting that just today I found myself in the dressing room of my local gym with a woman who really caught my attention. She was preparing herself for her workout, and as she slid on her headphones she had this expression on her face of a warrior preparing for battle.
“You look like you’re getting ready for a fight”, I remarked to her.
“I am” she replied, smiling.
I just nodded to her in approval, “You have to push hard!”
“Always!” she returned.
Moments later as I walked out into the gym I came across her working on the heavy bag and I asked to take her photo. I didn’t really have a reason, but now as I sit and write this very first blog post I sense that that brief encounter happened for a reason.
I didn’t get the girl’s name, but we understood each other. I’m sure our paths will cross again.
I know nothing about her story, but I know she’s a warrior. I could see it in her eyes.
I know that she represents what Stronger. Braver. FIGHTER. is all about.
I’m a Figure competition athlete and fitness is my passion. But this isn’t a fitness website.
Life’s battles are fought in many different areas, not just in the gym. And the one common denominator is that they all call upon us to find our inner strength. Strength in our heart, strength in our mind, and strength in our soul.
If you’re fighting battles of your own or if you’ve already had your share, I know you’ll get a lot out of Stronger. Braver. FIGHTER. May it lead you to great things in your life.
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